Emergency Medicine

LifeFlight of Maine’s Simulation Lab Improves Rural Healthcare Training in Bangor

LifeFlight of Maine’s new simulation lab is bringing realistic, hands-on training experiences to first responders and other providers across the state.

Davis Global Center Aims to Transform Health Care Education with Simulation

The Davis Global Center will use state-of-the-art simulation technology designed to transform health care education and provide students with opportunities to practice patient care

UNH Paramedics Use Simulation for Hands-on Childbirth Training

Paramedic students at the University of New Haven’s Fire Science and Professional Studies program are using healthcare simulation to help them improve their skills when treating a pregnant patient.

Hospital and EMS Teams Use Gaumard High-Fidelity Manikins in Trauma Training

Several hospital staff and emergency responders in Lincoln County, Oregon, participated in simulation-based trauma training to be better prepared to handle coordinated care.

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