Month: February 2016

Gaumard’s Family of Wireless, Tetherless Patient Simulators Set to Take Center Stage at EMS Today Conference & Exposition

 Gaumard Scientific Company today announced it will showcase its family of innovative patient simulators, including HAL S3201 and Trauma HAL, at EMS Today, the JEMS Conference & Exposition.

Nursing students learning on their feet with high-tech mannequins

High-tech mannequins at TJC are giving nurses and nursing students hands-on experience in labor and delivery scenarios.

The $30,000 baby: Donor gifts Community birth center with training doll

The Gaumard Tory S2210 can be used to practice a variety of medical incidents that could happen with a baby.

Birthing Simulator Teaching Staff at Finley Hospital

Finley Hospital in Dubuque now has a new birthing simulator to help educate staff members.

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