Victoria Featured in Boston Business Journal: This MGH Institute Patient Gives Birth Every 30 Minutes — and Students Take Note

Victoria lay in a hospital bed on her back, her large belly protruding up from the hospital gown. She was in labor, and told the graduate nursing students attending to her that she had the worst headache she’d ever had.

The nursing students saw her abnormally high blood pressure and called for help, but it was too late. Victoria’s moans turned quiet as she slipped into a seizure.

“Flip her on her side,” one nursing student said.

“That’s what I was waiting for,” said Mimi Pomerleau, assistant professor in the school of nursing, who was observing the students from another room.

The nursing students were largely on their own, but the risks to the patient were low. Victoria is a blinking, breathing, birthing $80,000 robot, designed to help graduate health care students at the MGH Institute of Health Professions experience high-risk scenarios first-hand.

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To read more about Victoria, visit the Gaumard website.

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